Kristoffer was born in Bergen, Norway and grew up listening to his father’s piano compositions and bedtime stories narrated by his mother. Music has always been a part of his life, starting with piano lessons at 5 years old and playing trumpet in the school band. But his first memorable acting experience happened after watching a children’s dental hygiene musical (called Karius & Baktus adapted from the book by Thorbjørn Egner). Following the performance he staged his own version of the show in the living room with his father – in front of his grandma. Nevertheless, music was the biggest passion of his life until High School, where he was introduced to Acting lessons for the first time. Since then, both of these wonderful ways of expressing his heart are the best ways he knows how to contribute to a brighter, more compassionate world: One word, one note at a time.

Kristoffer founded KriSen Productions in June 2019.